Under the Aegis of PGI Neurological Society

7th - 9th February 2025

Registrant may submit abstracts of his or her work for presentation during the National Conference of Neuro-Ophthalmology. It is expected that the abstracts will include original data not previously published in a peer-review journal or the proceedings of any International/National meeting. Only those abstracts that have been reviewed and selected by the abstract review committee may be presented. Abstract submission will only be accepted electronically through the abstract submission module only.

Categories of Abstract submission
Category 1: Disorders of efferent visual pathway
  • Orbital and Eyelid Disorders
  • Eye & movement/motility disorders
  • Cranial neuropathies and diplopia/squint
  • Pupillary disorders
Category 2: Disorders of Afferent visual pathway
  • Disorders of optic nerve and retina
  • Posterior visual pathway
  • Higher cortical visual disorders
  • CSF disorders (IIH/ raised ICT)
Category 3: Neuro-ophthalmology and systemic disease
Category 4: Neuro-ophthalmology and Immunology
Category 5: Neuro-ophthalmology and Neuro-imaging
Category 6: Neuro-ophthalmology and oncology
Category 7: Neuro-ophthalmology and genetics
Category 8: Neuro-ophthalmology and geriatrics
Category 9: Neuro-opthalmology in Pediatrics
Category 10: Miscellaneous
Presentation Categories:
  • Oral Presentation
  • Poster Presentation

Online Abstract submission deadline – 31st December, 2024

Scientific Abstracts: Your scientific abstract must contain:
  • A descriptive title, list of authors (in the desired order) and institutions;
  • An introduction / rationale to the study;
  • The material and methods used;
  • The results of the study including new data not previously published or presented at a major national or international meeting;
It is recommended that the abstract content shall be segmented by the following headings:
  • Introduction/ Rationale,
  • Material and Methods,
  • Results and Conclusions.
  • Abstracts of only registered delegates will be considered for reviewing.
  • The abstract must be submitted in English, font ‘Times New Roman’ and size 12. If accepted, the subsequent presentation would be in English only.
  • Each abstract should have a distinctive hypothesis or include a unique methodology that is clearly differentiated from the other abstracts submitted by a single research group.
  • An abstract that fails to meet these criteria will be considered a duplicate.
  • Duplicate abstracts from a single research group will be rejected.
  • In case submitted multiple times, only the latest one will be considered.
Research Funding Source:
  • All abstracts must specify the funding source.
  • Compliance to this rule is a prerequisite for review. Abstracts of research funded by tobacco industry sources (whole or in part) will not be considered. If you have no specific funding source, please indicate "none." ??
  • It is required that all authors listed on the abstract have knowledge of the abstract submission.
Abstract Length:
  • The total word count of an abstract may not exceed 400 words (not including title, authors' information, institutions, tables, images and spaces between words).
  • You can include up to 1 table OR 1 image.
Corrections/ Withdrawals
  • No corrections will be allowed after submitting the abstract. Please proof-read and edit your abstract carefully before submission.
  • If you wish to withdraw your submitted abstract after the abstract submission deadline, please email to conference secretariat at
Abstract Review
  • Abstracts must meet acceptable scientific and ethical standards, and contain data not previously published or presented.
  • You are allowed to state your presentation preference, however the Organizing Committee will decide on the presentation format of all accepted abstracts (oral or poster).
  • NCNO 2025 Organizing Committee reserves the final decision for all submitted abstracts.
  • All submissions shall go through an extensive peer review process through a preselected peer review committee.
  • Peer review may be blinded with adequate safeguards regarding conflict of interest.
Abstract Presentations
  • The person assigned as the Presenting Author of accepted abstracts will be expected to present the study. If the Presenting Author is not available, a co- author is allowed to present the paper (subject to the Organizing Committee’s approval) after conference registration and prior notice six weeks before the conference.
  • Presenting author must be registered for the conference.
  • Authors scheduled for a poster presentation will be assigned poster board space bearing a specific ID for a specified period.
  • Oral presenters will present a short PowerPoint presentation, followed by discussion.
  • Those abstracts selected for short talk session will be given a short presentation.
  • The abstracts selected for presentation should be represented on podium. Failure to do, without valid reason, will disqualify the presenter and group for subsequent two conferences.
  • The abstracts will be published in Journal and the authors have to give consent including the copyright transfer for the same while submitting the abstract.
  • Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection will be sent electronically to the Presenting Author as per the deadlines stated in the important dates at the email address provided in the online submission. It is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to ensure that the email address is correct.
  • Should you need any further information / clarification, please contact the secretariat at